If you are also trying to find a perfect note taking app, here is what you need.

This app is the most suitable one for me. What I can do is to review these apps from certain features and mark them, then I will give each feature a weight according to my own needs, and therefore, choosing the app with the highest score by multiplying the weight by the mark. Eventually, I tested almost dozens of note taking apps and concluded that there is not a best one because different apps have different pros and cons. I have read several reviews and watched certain Youtube videos, but I still could not decide. Now I have an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil, then the immediate question is, which note taking app is the best one.

For this reason, many devices I have bought support stylus such as Samsung Note II and SONY VAIO DUO 13. Although I am a software architect, I prefer handwriting to typing while taking notes, planning, drafting flow chart and mind map, and doing research.